Shop for live aquatic freshwater aquarium, pond, terrarium, and paludarium plants, from easy beginner-friendly plants to advanced plants. Anubias, Ferns, Sword, Ludwigia, Rotala, Carpeting Plants, Floating Plants, Red Plants, and more! Affordable quality plants, shipped from our aquariums to yours!
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Cryptocoryne Lucens - Windy City Aquariums

Cryptocoryne Lucens

Cryptocoryne Lucens, also known simply as Crypt Lucens, is a less common type of Cryptocoryne that can serve either as a foreground or midground plant. It has bright green slender leaves with brown...
Ammannia Gracilis - Windy City Aquariums

Ammannia Gracilis

Ammannia Gracilis, also commonly known as either Large Ammannia, Red Ammannia, Pink Ammannia, or Delicate Ammannia, is a stem plant, native to West Africa, with thin, elongated, and pointed leaves when grown submerged....
Broad Leaf Sagittaria Chilensis

Broad Leaf Sagittaria Chilensis

Sagittaria platyphylla, or more commonly known as Broad Leaf Sagittaria, Sagittaria Chilensis, or Chilensis, is a great plant for aquarists new to planted tanks as it is relatively undemanding and will propagate readily. It is...
Variegated Water Lettuce

Variegated Water Lettuce

Variegated Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes 'variegated') is a rare compact variety of water lettuce with beautiful leaves that feature splashes of creamy-yellow variegation.  The variegation will get stronger in subdued light...
Dwarf Baby Tears - Windy City Aquariums

Dwarf Baby Tears

Hemianthus callitrichoides aka Dwarf Baby Tears, or simply HC, is one of the smallest aquarium plants in the world, and creeps over the bottom with millimetre-sized, round leaves. Hemianthus callitrichoides...
Anubias Nana Golden

Anubias Nana Golden

Anubias Nana Golden (Anubias barteri “Golden nana”) is a rare variant of Anubias barteri that is not often seen in the aquarium hobby. It boasts very bright, lime green leaves...
Cryptocoryne Pink "Flamingo"

Cryptocoryne Pink "Flamingo"

Cryptocoryne sp. "Flamingo", or Crypt Pink Flamingo, is a relatively new and rare aquarium plant in the hobby. It is a highly sought-after plant by aquascape enthusiasts. It has beautiful ruffled pink leaves...
Ozelot Red Sword (Echinodorus 'Ozelot') | Windy City Aquariums

Ozelot Red Sword

The Ozelot Red Sword, or Echinodorus "Ozelot Red", is a colorful and bold plant perfect for the mid or background section of an aquarium. It has short stems with large ovoid leaves that display hardy...
Fissidens Nobilis Moss 3x3 inch Mat - Windy City Aquariums

Fissidens Nobilis Moss 3x3 inch Mat

NOTE: This is a PRE-ORDERED item which should be ready to ship out after the 25th of January. Orders containing pre-ordered items won't ship until we have all items instock...
Subwassertang Moss

Subwassertang Moss

Subwassertang (Lomariopsis Lineata) is a rarer aquarium moss whose name (Süsswassertang) translates to "freshwater seaweed" in German. It is a free-floating aquatic plant that is well-loved by many aquarium hobbyists as it is...
Hygrophila Corymbosa  "Compact"

Hygrophila Corymbosa "Compact"

As the name suggests, Hygrophila Corymbosa  "Compact" is a more compact variety of the Hygrophila corymbosa. It is a great low-growing plant that is best suited to be planted in the midground section...
Cryptocoryne Undulata

Cryptocoryne Undulata

Cryptocoryne Undulata is a common and popular plant that originates from Sri Lanka, and is a perfect for beginners. It has wide leaves that can either be bright green or a bronze-red color...