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Purple Cabomba
NOTE: This is a PRE-ORDERED item which should be ready to ship out after the 15th of January. Orders containing pre-ordered items won't ship until we have all items instock...
Rotala Wallichii
Rotala wallichii is a stunning aquatic plant that is found in soft, slightly acidic waters in many parts of South-Eastern Asia. Its leaves are needle-shaped and can vary that from...
Rotala sp. Vietnam H'ra
Rotala sp. Vietnam 'H’ra' is a beautiful aquatic plant that originates from central Vietnam. It is similar to Rotala Wallichii in terms of care and looks as it also features narrow leaves which...
Ammannia Gracilis
Ammannia Gracilis, also commonly known as either Large Ammannia, Red Ammannia, Pink Ammannia, or Delicate Ammannia, is a stem plant, native to West Africa, with thin, elongated, and pointed leaves when grown submerged....
Cryptocoryne Pink "Flamingo"
Cryptocoryne sp. "Flamingo", or Crypt Pink Flamingo, is a relatively new and rare aquarium plant in the hobby. It is a highly sought-after plant by aquascape enthusiasts. It has beautiful ruffled pink leaves...
Ozelot Red Sword
The Ozelot Red Sword, or Echinodorus "Ozelot Red", is a colorful and bold plant perfect for the mid or background section of an aquarium. It has short stems with large ovoid leaves that display hardy...
Rotala Macrandra "Mini" Butterfly
Rotala Macrandra Mini, also known as Rotala Macrandra Mini Butterfly, is a beautiful red plant that has smaller, more delicate leaves compared to the regular Rotala Macrandra. This species is...
Alternanthera Reineckii 'Rosanervig'
NOTE: This is a PRE-ORDERED item which should be ready to ship out after the 25th of January. Orders containing pre-ordered items won't ship until we have all items instock...
Rotala Macrandra
Rotala Macrandra, also known as Giant Red Rotala, is a beautiful red plant that orginates from Southern India. This species of Rotala is slightly more demanding compared to other Rotala variations, but...
Rotala "Orange Juice"
Rotala Rotundifolia 'Orange Juice' is a new variety of Rotala Rotundifolia which originates from Italy. As its name suggests, it has leaves that are bright orange to light pink in color depending on the intensity of the...
Vallisneria Spiralis Leopard
Vallisneria Spiralis Leopard, or Vallisneria Spiralis Tiger, is a rarer variety of Vallisneria Spirals that features stripes or spots on long straight leaves that can vary from green to red depending on the light...
Ludwigia Inclinata "Cuba"
Ludwigia Inclinata var "Cuba", or Ludwigia "Cuba", is an aquatic stem plant that originates from a small island off the coast of Cuba. It can vary in appearance depending on whether...